Holy Orders

Holy Orders

The Catholic Church is blessed to have the service of numerous dedicated priests. The Sacrament of Holy Orders - one of the two Sacraments at the Service of Communion - celebrates the ordination of men as bishops, priests, and deacons.

Four Servants of God

Sacrament of Holy Orders

Men who think that they may have a call to serve as an ordained deacon or priest in the Roman Catholic Church are encouraged to contact one of the priests, deacon, or the diocesan Vocation Office to further discern their call. Permanent Deacons may be married, continue in their present occupation, and serve the Church through preaching, teaching, and service.

They baptize, preside at weddings, and conduct funeral services outside of Mass. The deacons assist the priests in the parishes at Mass and other liturgical services. Priests are called to a life of celibacy within the Latin (Roman) Rite of the Church. Their ministry is full time and serve the people of God through preaching, teaching and governance. They administer the sacraments of the church and are called to lead the local churches under the guidance of the diocesan bishop. While not a sacrament, many women and men choose to serve the Church as religious sisters and brothers. Further information can be found on our diocesan website as well.

The diocesan website for vocations is 
Office of Vocations and their telephone number is 727-345-3452.

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