Eucharistic Ministry to the Homebound and Nursing Homes
Goals and Purpose: To extend the love and caring of the Body of Christ to those unable to attend Mass.
Responsibilities: To reverently carry the Eucharist, as well as the prayers and concerns of the parish to the homebound and in nursing homes. Own transportation is required.
Helpful Attributes: Willingness to visit very briefly as a friend in Christ to those who may be aged or physically infirm. Medical background or training absolutely NOT required.
Time Commitment: Weekly or less frequent visit after Mass.
Training Requirement: Parish training is provided.
Fingerprinting Required: Required, along with diocesan safe environment training.
Meeting Schedule: None required
If you have a member of your family who is unable to come to Mass for an extended period and would like to receive the Eucharist on a regular basis, please call the parish office at 352-746-9422. It is important for the church to know who is receiving the Eucharist and how many folks are being visited. Thank you so much.