Individuals who wish to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage in the Church should be registered and practicing members of St. Scholastica Parish for at least six months prior to beginning the marriage preparation process. Since marriage is a sacrament not only for the couple but for the Church as well, a period of preparation and formation is required. Preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage lasts approximately six months.
Couples need to contact the parish office before setting a date for the wedding. Couples who wish to marry in the Church are asked to take the Premarital Inventory (PMI) as part of their marriage preparation and formation and attend a marriage enrichment program, which can be offered either in the parish or local diocese.
Couples should also choose their preferred readings for the wedding from those offered at this link.
For more information, please contact the Marriage Coordinator at (352) 746-9422 or complete the Contact Us form below and we will reach out to you.