Ministry of Warmth

Ministry of Warmth

Ministry of Warmth

The Ministry of Warmth meets in the Loyola Room in the Parish hall, twice a month on Thursdays from 10:00 until noon. If you know how to knit or crochet or would like to learn to use a knitting loom, come join us. We make hats for the military, lap blankets for assisted living centers, baby blankets and hats, and comfort critters for Citrus County Sheriffs Dept. to give to calls that involve small children. It’s a good time of fellowship and fun.  Monetary and new yarn donations always accepted.

Questions please call Sue Whetzel at 720-660-9724 or email Sue at: Thank you.

Ministry of Warmth working with children's hospital in Ukraine

Our Ministry of Warmth group has been busy making blankets, hats, dolls and other items. Recently they had the opportunity to share the work of their hands with a children's hospital in Ukraine. What a great opportunity to share the love of Christ with those most in need. Well done, Ministry of Warmth members. Thank you.

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