National Eucharistic Revival Movement

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Dear Parents and Grandparents

During this year of National Eucharistic Revival we should consider our children and how we can make Mass more meaningful for them. After all if we grow up enjoying Mass we are more likely to continue going to attend Mass and continue growing our faith. I know from experience of raising four children, a stepson and now having two grandsons that it is not an easy task. It takes patience and perseverance to make it work. I would like to offer a few suggestions that have worked for my family or families that we have known. We will publish here for several weeks different tips and suggestions. Along with these suggestions, bringing them to Mass and praying for their faith to grow is most important.  Kathy Brasseur

1) Be willing to bring children to Mass, even at a young age. This is not always easy or even possible, but children must regularly attend Mass if we want them to know what it means to approach the Holy Table.

2) Make Mass a positive experience. I like to joke that I bribe my children after Mass. (They get a donut if they behave and lose bites of it to me when they don’t). It might be silly, but my youngest anticipates her reward and understands the expectations I have during Mass, offering positive reinforcement to the activity of praying at Mass.

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