The Parish Advisory Council (PAC) was established in 2015 to serve in an advisory capacity to the Pastor in administering the needs of the parish.
- The PAC also undertakes special projects at the request of the Pastor.
- The PAC is composed of a maximum of twelve registered members of the parish in good standing, who are eighteen years old or older:
- Two members are elected from the liturgical ministries: readers, ushers, sacristans, Eucharistic ministers, greeters, and music ministry
- Two members are elected from the parish at large
- One member is selected to represent the Community of Catholic Women
- One member is selected to represent the Knights of Columbus Council 14485
- No fewer than two and up to six members are appointed by the Pastor.
- Members serve two-year terms and may serve up to two consecutive terms
- Regular meetings are held six times per year: September, October, November, January, March and May.
- Recent PAC Projects:
- Annual Marriage Jubilee
- Parish Ministry Fair
- Ministry Recruitment Weekends